6 Etsy Shops with Zero Waste Sunscreen

Summer has finally arrived and that means the fruit-picking season has started for me. I spend countless hours in the sun picking delicious fruits in the summertime and so you can probably imagine that I need to be extra careful about sun protection. I wear my big floppy gardening hat to shade my face, but eventually, I always seem to take it off. So, I need to have good sunscreen to help protect my delicate skin.

I decided to turn to Etsy to look for a zero waste sunscreen option and was not disappointed. There are some really great options out there and I’ve gathered 6 of my favorites for you to browse through. Those plastic aerosol sunscreens just aren’t up my alley anymore, and I wanted a more natural option without all the waste.

6 Etsy Shops with Zero Waste Sunscreen

This post contains affiliate links; no extra cost to you or the seller.
Disclaimer; images below belong to their rightful Etsy artist.
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Note: Some of the sunscreens below may be considered minimal waste and not zero waste, as they will have recyclable packaging. Others are packaged in compostable materials so it can go right back to the Earth. However, only if you ensure it arrives at a proper composting facility or you do it yourself! IF you have any feedback feel free to leave a comment below.


Winki Zinc

I adore the cute plastic-free tubes that Winki Zinc uses to package their natural Zinc sunscreen. There are so many good things going on about this Etsy shop I won’t be able to list it all! These tinted sunscreens heal, moisturize, and protect your skin from UVA/UVB rays without harming the beautiful coral reefs. As stated in their description, Zinc is reef safe and will not upset the chemical balance in the waterways.

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6 Etsy Shops with Zero Waste Sunscreen; Zero Waste Sunblock, Organic Sunscreen