6 Etsy Shops with Zero Waste Sunscreen

6 Etsy Shops with Zero Waste Sunscreen

Summer has finally arrived and that means the fruit-picking season has started for me. I spend countless hours in the sun picking delicious fruits in the summertime and so you can probably imagine that I need to be extra careful about sun protection. I wear my big floppy gardening hat to shade my face, but eventually, I always seem to take it off. So, I need to have good sunscreen to help protect my delicate skin.

I decided to turn to Etsy to look for a zero waste sunscreen option and was not disappointed. There are some really great options out there and I’ve gathered 6 of my favorites for you to browse through. Those plastic aerosol sunscreens just aren’t up my alley anymore, and I wanted a more natural option without all the waste. Read more