Everyday things you can do to bring change

” Everyday “ 

There are things we really do everyday, but if we do them exactly the same way, life can get pretty monotonous. Doing these everyday activities slightly different might just be the exercise your creative brain is looking for.Think about it! Some of our routines we do exactly the same day-in and day-out. Your brain barely has to turn on anymore to accomplish these things. How are you supposed to get your creative mind juices gushing if your brain isn’t being exercised? Try making simple things a little more tricky from time-to-time, or if nothing else, just different! I’ve written a fictitious short story of how this could be executed.


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“CRAAH-LA-LA!” squealed the alarm-bird as it tip-toed down the catwalk of its alarm-bird house. It was wearing a new Tiffani-Dorada lace sequined scarf slung casually over its alarm-bird shoulder. Of course, this scene is more than ordinary except for one small detail… the time. 8:02 sang the bird, allowing our protagonist Pillowella two extra minutes of sleep than what was usual. The night before Pillowella had read a super fascinating blog post about the advantages of “de-usualizing” the usual, and adding change to her life.

Normally Pillowella would gently get out of bed, slip on her hover-slippers and glide peacefully to the bathroom to splash water on her still-tired pillowface. She would then continue to pour herself a large glass of carbonated orange juice from the kitchen faucet and drink it down swiftly. But not today! Today when she awoke, Pillowella lifted her stiff legs into the air and then hugged them close to her chest. She felt a some-what nice stretch along the back of her thighs. Next, she skipped the hover-slippers and decided to gallop in a rather animated manner to the bathroom. There she saw her reflection in the mirror. Pillowella began a large, open-mouthed yawn, but half-way through she diverted the original silence into a wild, savage ROARRR! She was pleased with her impersonation and decided if she ever met a lion family, they would surely accept her as their own. Pillowella skipped the OJ and went straight for a bubbling warm apple-cake. Most commonly she would slide a piece of bread into her miniature dragons den that she had rested on the kitchen counter. She liked a warm piece of bread when heated by a dragon’s breath. She would slather grapefruit butter and then pecan jam on it for flavour. BUT TODAY! Oh, today, she put pecan jam and then grapefruit butter. She rolled it up and ate it in one bite! She could feel her adventurous personality trait getting stronger. Her friends at the local half-human golf club would never believe how spontaneous she had been. Pillowella continued getting ready in a unordinary fashion. She left her house excited for tomorrow when she would wake up in a new creative way, and start her day off different!”

everyday pillow face protagonist from story
Miss. Pillow Banne-Humnerschimmer lll

It’s so fun testing out your creative-self, and actually enforcing thought in moments. Moments where a need for thought have been lost. My favourite everyday switcher-upper is when I am walking and I see a straight-stretch ahead with no visible obstacles Perfect opportunity to test out my backward-walking skills! Below I’ve created a short list of ideas you can try to shake things up in your repetitive routines.


  • Eat your meals in different room:  Maybe you always sit at the same chair at the same table in the same room. b-b-boring. Try eating breakfast on the floor, having lunch outside, and maybe dinner in bed! If that’s too adventurous for you, at least try switching chairs at that table you always eat at.
  • Restart your kitchen:  Take everything out of your drawers and cupboards, (then use that opportunity to clean them), and then put everything away in new places. This is fun because it takes a while for you to remember the change. You’ll find you keep opening the old cutlery drawer every time you need a spoon. Eventually you will get used to it, and once you do, find some other drawers to rearrange.
  • Reorder: Maybe you don’t want to change the way you do your daily activities, but maybe try changing the order you do them in. For example:

wake up, take shower, drink coffee, eat breakfast, brush teeth, repeat
wake up, eat breakfast, drink coffee, brush teeth, take shower, do not repeat.


  • Nourish yourself Uniquely:  Modwedding Blog created a really nice post (it’s a wedding diet plan, but you don’t need a ring to enjoy those ideas) it has all sorts of infused water recipes and detox’s, but also includes a great smoothie recipe list.

broken tv everyday life changes


Find joy in the ordinary, mix up your life, and keep your brain active!
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everyday change