Celestial Wedding Dress; 6 Etsy Shops to Gaze Upon

Celestial Wedding Dress; 6 Etsy Shops to Gaze Upon

And we’re back! In the last article we checked out garden wedding dresses, and this week we are looking to the stars for inspiration. A celestial wedding dress selection from these far-out Etsy shops. Glistening stars, galaxy patterns, shimmer and shine, and beautiful designs for you to gaze upon. Dream of your special day as you browse through the magical selection brought to you by the creative artisans of Etsy. If you have missed any of the past bridal articles I will list them below so you can get caught up. Read more

Find Your Garden Wedding Dress with These Etsy Shops

Find Your Garden Wedding Dress with These Etsy Shops

I’ve decided to come back to the wedding section of Etsy this week since you guys continue to check out my other bridal posts so much. Today I wanted to look at the Etsy shops creating unique and charming designs that would make for a perfect garden wedding dress. As we talked about before, a lot of people are having smaller and more intimate weddings in home settings. Outdoor and backyard weddings have become more popular and garden weddings are right in there too. Who wouldn’t want to get married surrounded by beautiful foliage? Just careful with the bees! Read more

12 Etsy Shops to find Your Unique Boho Wedding Dress

Unique Boho Wedding Dress; 12 Etsy Shops to Find it


Well, it seems you guys are enjoying my posts on the awesome wedding dress selection that there is on Etsy. I totally get it! A lot of people wouldn’t maybe think to turn to Etsy when it comes to their wedding dress. They may book some appointments at local bridal shops, or look at the fancy name brand websites. Both are also great options! However, if you want something totally unique, customizable, and typically very affordable, then Etsy is your jam! And, the perfect place to search for a unique boho wedding dress.

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10 Etsy Shops with Wedding Dresses Under 500 Dollars

10 Etsy Shops with Wedding Dresses Under 500 Dollars

Thought I would break up the Christmas posts with something a little different. We already talked about the awesome selection of unique and alternative engagement rings that are on Etsy. So, today we’re moving onto the big day! Etsy should be more talked about when it comes to picking out your wedding dress. Every bride wants to feel unique and special on their day. What better way than speaking directly with the person making your dress! Having a one-on-one with the designer will assure you that you will have that perfect look that you’ve always imagined. Read more

Thought I would break up the Christmas posts with something a little different. We already talked about the awesome selection of unique and alternative engagement rings that are on Etsy. So, today we’re moving onto the big day! Etsy should be more talked about when it comes to picking out your wedding dress. Every bride wants to feel unique and special on their day. What better way than speaking directly with the person making your dress! Having a one-on-one with the designer will assure you that you will have that perfect look that you’ve always imagined. Read more