8 Great Desk Organization Items from Etsy

8 Great Desk Organization Items from Etsy

One of the things I’ve noticed about working from home is just how important it is to be organized. Important for motivational reasons. When my workspace is messy I have a harder time getting myself to sit down and actually get work done. That’s why I decided that my workspace was the first place I was going to organize. Your desk should be a place that you enjoy sitting down at. Read more

minimalist bedroom decor ideas from etsy minimalism

8 Minimalist Bedroom Decor Ideas from Etsy

Tired of that cramped messy feeling when you walk into your room? Bored of spending 20 minutes every morning just looking for that one scarf that goes perfectly with your fall jacket? Well, a busy room can create a busy life. That’s why minimalism is becoming so popular. Read more

25 Apartment-Changing Wallpapers from Etsy

25 Apartment-Changing Wallpapers from Etsy

Looking for a fun way to freshen up your drab apartment? Something modern, chic, and classy to bring a bit of spunk to a boring room? Well, why not consider switching up your solid colored walls for a totally fresh alternative? Wallpaper!

I loved the detailed wallpaper in my mom’s kitchen when I was growing up and so you can imagine how excited I was when I heard wallpaper was back in style! This time though, we’ve got fresh and chic new designs to change things up.

When I was looking for wallpaper designs that weren’t too retro or out of date, I knew that Etsy would be the place to go. The artisanal touch gives these wallpapers originality and your guests are definitely going to notice it.

Etsy is just one of those internet shops that make you feel good about shopping. You can support real people trying to live through their art while still getting high-quality products that are unique and chic!

So let’s get started!!! Read more

20 Fresh Storage Solutions to Keep Your Life Organized

20 Fresh Storage Solutions to Keep Your Life Organized

It’s a new year and you’re looking to clean-up your lifestyle a little bit. Bring some cleanliness and organization into your life with some new and fresh storage ideas. Afterall, a clean house is a clean mind! Check out the amazing artists on Etsy to see what storage solutions they have come up with for you. Here are 20 of my favorite fresh storage ideas to help you get started on your search!


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Houseplant Planters and Pots from Etsy

Houseplant Planters and Pots from Etsy

Ok crazy houseplant people!
If you don’t already know Etsy, it’s the only place I will shop online. It is full of artisans, vintage collectors, and entrepreneurs trying to support themselves. It also just so happens to be FILLED with amazing planters and houseplant pots. I collected some of my FAVORITE planters and put together this amazing list to share with you all. (The animal planters are my favorites… shhh….)


Just click the photos to be taken to the original page. 

ENJOY! And happy planting! Read more