Montreal Artisan Boutique: Josiane.andthebee

Montreal Artisan Boutique: Josiane.andthebee

Our story begins…
Josiane always enjoyed giving old things a second chance. She had a knack for taking something old and making it beautiful again. Her family and friends assured her that her work was wonderful. However, she admitted, family and friends aren’t always the best for feedback. They are easily blinded by compassion. It was the honesty of the public that would reassure her, and that they did. Read more

cheap montreal guide

Montreal Guide to Cheap Living

Today I have gathered all my favorite information about living cheap in the city of Montreal!

Montreal is an amazing, energetic and artistic city. It is filled with a beautiful mix of all the colours of skin and all the languages of the world. There are the uprising activists, the everyday stoners and that one guy who wears shorts in -25. Every character you can imagine lives in the city. And these characters are innovatively great at living affordably. Read more