reducing your waste

Reducing Your Waste : An Etsy Guide

Recently Etsy has put out a new selection of Editors Picks under the title : Reduce Your Waste.

They feature everything from upcycled gifts, to reclaimed wood furniture, to earth friendly cleaning products and more. I think it’s a great idea! Although when thinking about reducing your waste, buying more items doesn’t exactly come to mind. But the idea is that these are products you will only have to buy once (or very minimal amounts) in an effort of reducing your waste that is being thrown out everyday.

For example; how often do you throw cling-wrap in the garbage? Most people, very often. Well what if there was a simpler way that could be simply washed and reused? There is!  Read more

DIY Mothers Day Gift Ideas

DIY Mothers Day Gift Ideas

Mama’s Day! And although I’m not completely on-board with the Hallmark-hijacked-holiday as far as its main incentive being consumerism. The original creation of the holiday was with good intent, and any excuse to appreciate our amazing mothers is okay with me.  Read more