7 Etsy Shops for Finding Stylish Floor Cushions

7 Etsy Shops for Finding Stylish Floor Cushions

Well, I got into the Cottagecore mood last week with my article about Cottagecore Accessories. I will be continuing on that trend next week but first I’ve been wanting to write this article about floor cushions for a while and decided now was the time! I’ve always been that person who sleeps on a mattress on the floor, makes pillow forts, and surrounds her house with bean bag chairs. So that’s why I wanted to share with you guys just how awesome it is to fill your space with floor cushions! Read more

minimalist bedroom decor ideas from etsy minimalism

8 Minimalist Bedroom Decor Ideas from Etsy

Tired of that cramped messy feeling when you walk into your room? Bored of spending 20 minutes every morning just looking for that one scarf that goes perfectly with your fall jacket? Well, a busy room can create a busy life. That’s why minimalism is becoming so popular. Read more