Eco-Friendly Stocking Stuffer Ideas That Will Actually Get Used

Eco-Friendly Stocking Stuffer Ideas That Will Actually Get Used

Eco-Friendly Stocking Stuffer Ideas here we come! Although reducing the amount of gift-giving we do is always a good thing in my eyes. (Especially when it’s just junk that gets thrown away a week later..) I must say, stockings are one of those things that make the holiday special and fun. Hanging the stocking over the fire (or your TV fireplace in my case) and opening up those tiny gifts from what seems like a bottomless sock. There’s nothing quite like it! Read more

Environmentally Friendly lazy guide

How to be environmentally friendly: A Lazy Person’s Guide

I get it, you want to be environmentally friendly. You’d love to be that person who wakes up at 4am to promote their “Save the Anteaters” campaign. Marching down the streets with a handmade 100% recycled bamboo protest sign reading, “I LOVE MOTHER EARTH, DO YOU!?” But, you’d also love to be a hibernating bear who only wakes up to eat cold pizza that just-so-happens to be on the floor beside your bed. Is there no middle ground? Well I believe there is!

Here are a few environmentally friendly ideas that will make a difference and won’t take a lot of effort.

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Montreal Eco-Responsible Boutique: Catherine.andthebee

Montreal Eco-Responsible Boutique: Catherine.andthebee

Our story begins…

Catherine began her eco-responsible boutique for a simple reason; she wanted to provide the consumer with a means to buying more ecological, and more local. She wanted to stray away from the normal consumerism of large factories and offer an alternative way to enjoy shopping, while still being eco-friendly. She succeeded this at La Mistinguette, providing around 15 artists a place to sell their hand-made products.
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